2024 Dates!
Welcome back!
We have a number of concerts planned!
- 12 March - Stephen's 80th Birthday Bash
- 8th April - 2pm Richard Village Nantwich
- 10th May - 7pm U3A and CMVC Concert
- 1st June - Joint concert with the Lyceum Choir
- 17th June - 2pm Mayfield Care Home, Crewe
- 8th July - 2pm Beatty Court Care Home, Nantwich
- 22 July - 7:30pm Hopes and Beams Summer Concert
Autumn Term Dates for the diary:
- 20th October - British Isles Concert at the Lyceum
- 21st October - 2pm Concert @ Alexandra Mill Care Home Shavington
- 28th October - NO REHEARSAL
- 18 November - 2pm Concert @ Richmond Village Nantwich
- 06 December - 2pm Concert @ Beatty Court Nantwich
- 09 December - 2pm Concert @ Barony Lodge Christmas Concert
- 16 December - 12pm CMVC Social Christmas Lunch
- 16 December - 7:30pm Hopes and Beams Christmas Concert
Christmas Sing-a-long 2020 link
The video is now on a unlisted link on youtube. Please click here: https://youtu.be/H4TidkwRjzA